The present Supplement embodies the alterations made in the Inter-
national Rules of Botanical Nomenclature, ed. 3 (1935), at the Sixth Inter-
national Botanical Congress held at Amsterdam in September 1935. It is
based mainly on two printed works, namely, the Synopsis of Proposals con-
cerning Nomenclature submitted to that Congress, and the Report of the
Subsection of Nomenclature containing the decisions reached.

      References [...] cited under the following abbreviations :

Brit. Prop. — International Botanical Congress, Cambridge (England) 1930 : Nomen-
    clature Proposals by British Botanists (London, 1929).
Cambr. Rep. — BROOKS and CHIPP, Report of Proceedings, Fifth International Botan-
    ical Congress, Cambridge, 1930 (Cambridge, 1931).
Pr. Op. — SPRAGUE, Preliminary Opinions concerning Nomenclature Proposals sub-
    mitted to the Sixth International Botanical Congress, Amsterdam, 1935 (Cam-
    bridge, 1935).
Rec. Syn. — BRIQUET, Recueil Synoptique des documents destinés à servir de base
    aux débats de la sous-section de Nomenclature du Vme Congrès International de
    Botanique, Cambridge (Angleterre) 1930 (Berlin, 1930).
Rep. — SPRAGUE, Report of the subsection for Nomenclature, Proceedings Sixth Inter-
    national Botanical Congress, Amsterdam, 1935, vol. 1, pp. 333-383 (Leiden, 1936).
Syn. — SPRAGUE, Synopsis of Proposals concerning Nomenclature submitted to the
    Sixth International Botanical Congress, Amsterdam, 1935 (Cambridge, 1935).



    International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature   [1950]  —  ‘Amsterdam Rules’ (synthesis)

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web-edition: © 2014, Paul van Rijckevorsel



[ to body of the 1950, ‘Amsterdam Rules’ ]